<p>Kyle shares his ranching story and I love his willingness to recognize the need to change and actually make a change. So many find it easier to go broke doing what is comfortable than to make a change. He also shares that it turns out being very low input isn't always enough, he didn't own the cows or equipment at the start. But there wasn't enough money coming in to make it work. Lots to learn from Kyle!</p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>Resources Mentioned:</p>
<p>Dave Ramsey - Entreleadership</p>
<p>Ranching for Profit/Executive Link</p>
<p>Patrick Lencioni</p>
<p>Erwin McManus</p>
<p>Working Cows Podcast</p>
If you are looking to add somebody to your team to help with your farm or ranch numbers, check out John Haskell and his team at https://www.ranchrightllc.com/.
Check out www.pharocattle.com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!
As always, check us out at Ranching Returns Podcast on Facebook and Instagram as well as at www.ranchingreturns.com.