In today’s episode, our sandbox heads to the deployment pipeline for a conversation on the who/what/when/and why of a DevSecOps program and how it adds value to your business. And your main questions- – how you can encourage buy-in and adoption. Joining me today are Marcin Swiety, Relativity’s Senior Director of Global Security and IT, and Raphael Theberge - Director of Security Integrations. So, grab your DORA metrics, your source controls, and staging environments, and let’s dive in. 

Security Sandbox

Relativity's Calder7

Moving Faster - Securely. Why Your Org Should Add Security to your DevOps Program

SEP 28, 202233 MIN
Security Sandbox

Moving Faster - Securely. Why Your Org Should Add Security to your DevOps Program

SEP 28, 202233 MIN


In today’s episode, our sandbox heads to the deployment pipeline for a conversation on the who/what/when/and why of a DevSecOps program and how it adds value to your business. And your main questions- – how you can encourage buy-in and adoption. Joining me today are Marcin Swiety, Relativity’s Senior Director of Global Security and IT, and Raphael Theberge - Director of Security Integrations. So, grab your DORA metrics, your source controls, and staging environments, and let’s dive in.