Dasra Philanthropy Week - Divya Varma from Aajeevika Bureau

DEC 3, 20246 MIN
No-Cost Extension with Deval Sanghavi

Dasra Philanthropy Week - Divya Varma from Aajeevika Bureau

DEC 3, 20246 MIN


Divya Varma represented the  Ajeevika Bureau and Work Fair and Free Foundation at Dasra Philanthropy Week 2024.

She spoke passionately about India’s internal migrant population who are often forced to move from rural India to its cities due to climate variabilities which have rapidly degenerated agricultural livelihoods.Mired in indignity and invisibility, India’s migrant labour workforce works and lives at the very bottom of the societal pyramid at the mercy of a regulation free environment. 

Listen to her plans for fostering solidarity through unions and collectives and working towards generating more knowledge and research in this space.

Find out more about Ajeevika Bureau here https://aajeevika.org/ and the Work Fair and Free Foundation here https://workfairandfree.org/. For more information on Dasra's work, go to www.dasra.org.