Know a writer or someone who wants to be a writer? Then forward this post to them and invite them to listen to our writers podcast. Thank you!
In Episode 211 of our lovely award-winning podcast, we salute Wham! and the fortieth anniversary of their mega-hit Careless Whisper. Where has the time gone?
Aside from George and Andrew, the main topic is inserting real life (RL) characters and events in your books. As writers, the temptation is strong to include someone from RL into our books because they may be very interesting or very frustrating. CC and I outline both the good and not-so-good reasons for using the people you know in your books. We also touch on using popular culture references (hello, Backstreet Boys!).
Also: holding a business retreat at the very top of the wheel at Harveys; a tease about a new physical outlet for our books; ZOEY is still on sale for 99¢ and will be released soon.
Advanced reader copies of ZOEY are available on Book Sirens.
Here’s the story about the bomb and explosion at Harveys in 1980.
Here is CC’s YouTube channel that she mentioned.
And here’s our online bookstore. Autographed author copies, folks!
All this and more! Have a listen and let us know. TIA LYL!
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Know a writer or someone who wants to be a writer? Then forward this post to them and invite them to listen to our writers podcast. Thank you!
In Episode 210 ofour lovely award-winning podcast, we dive into the most critical phase of your book aside from its creation: the editing.
After weeks (or months or years) of writing your Great American Novel, it’s time to hand your baby to another set of eyes and hands. But who should you hand it to and what are they going to do?
For our podcast, we useLouise Harnby’s excellent post “What are the different types of novel editing?” as a guide to walk you through the editing process.
We sprinkle in our own experiences with our excellent editors, and we offer suggestions to writers who may not have the financial resources to hire their own editors. We hope you find this information useful.
On the local front, theZOEY e-book is on pre-sale for 99¢, and I am going through CC’s VC Ghost manuscript.
Have a listen and let us know what you think. TIA LYL!
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Know a writer or someone who wants to be a writer? Then forward this post to them and invite them to listen to our writers podcast. Thank you!
In Episode 209 of our lovely award-winning podcast, we welcomed everyone to Groundhog Day, and we rolled back to the fun we had in January.
Finding Salvation Part One was released, CC finished her Virginia City Ghost manuscript and sent it to her main beta reader, and we began the process of setting up ZOEY for pre-sale. So many hours and sweat expended on those alone.
The first of the two main topics was the process of picking the covers for ZOEY, and we ended up with two wonderful covers. Mihai Costea created the “Cowboy Cover” and Mohammad Akram did the “Blue Cover.” Both artists did a fantastic job, and they were exceptionally professional and patient with our suggestions. You can reach out to them directly through 99Designs.
Important Note: If you want to read ZOEY before the release on February 28 and do me a favor at the same time, you can download an advanced reader copy through Book Sirens. Check it out!
The second topic is we opened an online bookstore! It was a comedy of errors, of course, but working on it had me thinking about living day to day versus living towards a dream. Being raised in poverty, I never had a life’s dream, but here I am, living that dream: I’m a co-owner of a small bookstore. Cool Beans.
Have a listen and let us know what you think. TIA LYL!
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For those who listen on the way to work, we are on these fine podcast platforms: Spotify Apple Pocket Casts Radio Public
Know a writer or someone who wants to be a writer? Then forward this post to them and invite them to listen to our writers podcast. Thank you!
Welcome to Episode 208 of our lovely award-winning podcast. Being a Monday, we were a day late and several brain cells short, but hey, we survived a sleepover with our young grandchild and we think we made an interesting episode.
Business first: Finding Salvation Part One is still on pre-sale for 99 cents and will be released this Friday, January 31 (yay). On Sunday, February 2, which happens to be Groundhog Day, we’ll be doing the cover reveal for ZOEY on the podcast. The reveal for two covers, that is. You’ll see.
Shameless plug: We are providing books for sale to this week’s Sierra Arts Foundation fundraiser, Brew Ha Ha. This is a worthy cause, so please check it out if you’re in the Carson/Reno/Sparks area.
Writing: CC continues to see the light at the end of the railroad tunnel as she cleans up her “Virginia City Ghost” (working title) manuscript. She might send it out to the Betas in February. She may do her own book cover, too.
Our main topic was writing in the Young Adult (YA) genre which is one of three very successful writing genres here in the Twenty-First Century (zombies and vampires being the others). CC and I happen to be reading YA books at the same time, so we’re picking up common themes:
-YA books are almost instantly relatable because we’ve all been there.
-YA epiphanies hit harder.
-There’s a freshness in experiencing “real life” for the first time that jaded adults don’t enjoy anymore.
-Fifteen year old girls/women can be dramatically different than fifteen year old boys/men.
We talk at length about these and other themes that can shape a YA novel, including poverty and religion. We use The Hunger Games and Pleasantville to illustrate our points, and we manage for the most part to avoid that boy wizard (you know who).
Have a listen and let us know what you think. TIA LYL!
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For those who listen on the way to work, we are on these fine podcast platforms: Spotify Apple Pocket Casts Radio Public
Know a writer or someone who wants to be a writer? Then forward this post to them and invite them to listen to our writers podcast. Thank you!
We’re caffeinated for Episode 207 of our lovely award-winning podcast. Seriously, we are buzzed. We changed our coffee habits for reasons, but had a big cup during this episode. We brought a lot of energy to this podcast:
Happy Birthday to our kid (tomorrow), my grandmother, Dolly Parton, and Edgar Allen Poe!
Many thanks to Jacci Turner for her half-book review of “From Tundra to Tiara.” Related: please check out her books.
We said goodbye to TikTok which may be back this week. (Edit: it's back)
Finding Salvation is still on 99¢ Presale and will be released on January 31.
My books Sheriff and Downfall (books page) will be available for sale at this year’s Brew HaHa. The Sierra Arts Foundation's big fundraiser of the year will feature books from local authors, plus some of the local authors themselves. Please check it out and spend a lot of money for a great cause.
CC had the wonderful experience this week of completing her “VC romance” manuscript. Finishing your first draft is a heady experience.
The meat of the podcast was the various stages of editing. Writers have a love/hate relationship with the process. Some of us are blessed to have excellent editors (Hi, Teri and Red Adept!) which makes our lives easier. We’re also blessed to have awesome Beta Readers. But it’s still a nerve-racking experience as we watch our “babies” (manuscripts) get changed at the hands of a third party. We talk about the strengths and weaknesses of self-editing versus paying someone with their fresh set of eyes.
As we say: “Writing is deeply personal experience done in the bright public light.”
Have a listen and let us know what you think. TIA LYL!
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