Self-reflection is like a big, juicy steak. It's delicious, it's satisfying, and it's good for you! But just like a steak, self-reflection can be tough to chew at times. It can be uncomfortable to confront your own thoughts and feelings, but that's where the real growth happens. So if you want to be a badass at life, you've got to be willing to dig deep and do the work. 

Trust me, it's worth it! Yes, self-retrospection can actually be a lot of fun, too! It's like going on a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, you're searching for insights about yourself. You never know what you might find when you take the time to explore your thoughts and feelings. So grab a cup of tea, coffee or whatever you like and join me on this invigorating podcast adventure! 😍

The Bubbly Bibi

Nazia Keenoo

53. Reflect, Recharge & Rock On: Your Guide to Badassery 💪

JUN 16, 202310 MIN
The Bubbly Bibi

53. Reflect, Recharge & Rock On: Your Guide to Badassery 💪

JUN 16, 202310 MIN


Self-reflection is like a big, juicy steak. It's delicious, it's satisfying, and it's good for you! But just like a steak, self-reflection can be tough to chew at times. It can be uncomfortable to confront your own thoughts and feelings, but that's where the real growth happens. So if you want to be a badass at life, you've got to be willing to dig deep and do the work. Trust me, it's worth it! Yes, self-retrospection can actually be a lot of fun, too! It's like going on a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, you're searching for insights about yourself. You never know what you might find when you take the time to explore your thoughts and feelings. So grab a cup of tea, coffee or whatever you like and join me on this invigorating podcast adventure! 😍