Three Bean Salad
Three Bean Salad
A podcast from comedians Mike Wozniak, Henry Paker and Benjamin Partridge. Each week the three beans tackle a different theme, suggested by the listening audience.
Recent Episodes
DEC 11, 2024
Interior Design
Most of us can only dream of the splendour of the internal spaces occupied by London’s elite. A lucky few might have a neighbour who’s made it big on the pools, bought one of those glossy magazines with photos of a Londoner in their parlour and...
59 MIN
DEC 4, 2024
The Netherlands
Steven of Utrecht gets the beans wagging them tongues about the Netherlands to kick the new season off. And why the bloody hell not? After all the beans have all visited that great nation in the past and therefore it’s safe to assume each has taken a...
70 MIN
NOV 6, 2024
No normal episode of Three Bean Salad this week (we're away until December). Join our PATREON for ad-free episodes and a monthly bonus episode:
17 MIN
OCT 30, 2024
Fifth Wednesday Informationcast
No normal episode of Three Bean Salad this week (it's a five Wednesday October and we only do four episodes a month - take it up with our lawyer, Julian Calendar) Join our PATREON for ad-free episodes and a monthly bonus episode:...
OCT 23, 2024
Budget Airlines
Put your seat back into the reclining position (but only if you have the express consent of the person behind you who has also ideally reclined their seat with the express consent of the person behind them ad infinitum etc), shove a lukewarm bean in...
62 MIN
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