Ep 31 Ch 7 "Take My Baby!"

SEP 13, 202439 MIN

Ep 31 Ch 7 "Take My Baby!"

SEP 13, 202439 MIN


Man it has been a while I'm excited to get back behind the mic and actually start talking about real things that we struggle with in our lives. For the next few weeks we will going through a book I just picked up written by Nik Ripkin called The Insanity of God. As veterans we struggle with a lot of trauma we have endured in our lives funny thing is it is not just us as veterans but those around us our friends family spouses significant other even our kids. Through the next few weeks I am hoping that I can help you find yourself and even myself get ready to enjoy and to do some thinking. TIME for a REBOOT! https://www.reallydesigns.biz/thestonedvet #rebooted #tsv #rapha180 #usmc #semperfi