048. The Obvious Switch to Value Pricing with Jonathan Stark

DEC 19, 202450 MIN
The Agile Attorney Podcast

048. The Obvious Switch to Value Pricing with Jonathan Stark

DEC 19, 202450 MIN


As a lawyer, it's easy to fall into the trap of equating more hours with more revenue. But as Jonathan Stark points out, this mindset often leads to a vicious cycle of overwork and burnout, without necessarily translating into increased profitability or client satisfaction. The key to breaking free from this cycle lies in streamlining your processes and focusing on delivering value, rather than simply billing time.

In this episode, I share an episode I recorded with Jonathan Stark on his podcast Ditching Hourly exploring how improving your delivery workflows can make the switch to value pricing a no-brainer. From implementing systems and checklists to leveraging technology and outsourcing, we explore the many ways you can optimize your workflows to deliver better results in less time.

Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://www.agileattorney.com/48