How To Help Kids & Teenagers Get Off Their Phone - Author: Ross Parker, Screens That Eat Children

OCT 15, 202463 MIN
Catch Your Purpose with Aaron Pang (改變日記)

How To Help Kids & Teenagers Get Off Their Phone - Author: Ross Parker, Screens That Eat Children

OCT 15, 202463 MIN


Ross Parker is the author of Screens That Eat Children. In this purpose talk, Ross and Aaron discuss why phones and social media are so dangerous to humans and our children. Why is social media so addictive? How can we get people including kids off their phone and social media?

00:00 Intro

01:40 What's Ross' PURPOSE

07:47 Modern Childhood

12:48 Why Is This IMPORTANT?

17:50 We Are Productivity Obsessed!

21:38 The Secret Behind The Internet

30:15 How Social Media & APPS Get Us Hooked

35:09 The Digital Remorse

36:57 I Hope My Children Remember THIS

40:07 How to Survive as a MISFIT, a Minimalist?

48:05 Self-binding Strategies to Fight Your Addiction!

50:10 Different Types of Screen Time

52:12 Managing Phone Usage in Family

1:02:10 Ross' Question For You


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