How is Beto Coral today? He recently published his first book and is living in the United States.
Beto Coral published his first book while living in the US, where he has been hoping to be granted asylum since 2014. He works as the host of a YouTube channel, where he has hundreds of thousands of followers… and detractors –including a former president of Colombia.
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¿Cómo está Beto Coral hoy en día? Recientemente publicó su primer libro y vive en Estados Unidos.
Beto Coral publicó su primer libro desde Estados Unidos, donde vive esperando ser aceptado como asilado desde el 2014. Trabaja como conductor de un canal de Youtube, donde tiene cientos de miles de seguidores… y detractores, entre ellos un ex presidente de Colombia.
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In the summer of 2022, Colombia's Truth Commission published its final report.
What has happened in Colombia since 1994, when Captain Coral was killed, until today? How has it changed? In the summer of 2022, the Truth Commission published its final report... How does an effort like this contribute to peace in Colombia?
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En el verano de 2022, la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia publicó su informe final… ¿Cómo contribuyen estos esfuerzos a la paz en este país?
¿Que ha pasado en Colombia desde 1994, año en el que matan al Capitán Coral, y hoy? ¿Cómo ha cambiado? En el verano de 2022, la Comisión de la Verdad publicó su informe final… ¿Cómo contribuyen este y otros esfuerzos a la paz en Colombia?
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Beto reflects on justice in Colombia, the memory of his father, what it means for Colombia's historical memory, and the war on drugs.
From exile in the United States, Beto reflects on the role of "martyrs" like his father who have contributed to peace in his country. What do these efforts mean to him within the context of the war on drugs and the armed conflict in Colombia?
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