248: Anniversary Episode! Mamas, Don't Give Up on Your DAYDREAMS!

JUL 5, 202425 MIN
Homeschooling Entrepreneur Mom – Kid Entrepreneurship, Work From Home, Homeschool Basics, Making Money FUN

248: Anniversary Episode! Mamas, Don't Give Up on Your DAYDREAMS!

JUL 5, 202425 MIN


Sometimes we get caught up in Making a Living that we Forget to Make a Life.

Has god been pushing you towards a Purpose & have you NOT taken a Step?

Have you (unintentionally) placed your Daydreams into Park instead of just slowing down to take a break?


There have been times in my life where I did the same, but now, I'm living my own Daydreams and I hope to reignite it in you too.





Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin

Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com