Carl J. Berryman
🤔 EP061 - If you are looking to make 2025 THE year when it comes to your health and your fitness, but you’ve made that promise before only to NOT follow through on it, what is the glaringly obvious truth that most people don’t want to but NEED to hear as to why they struggle to reach their health and fitness goals?
When they set out on their health and fitness journey, most people enlist the help of others as studies clearly show that when you involve others in your pursuit of goals, your likelihood of success goes up. Or does it?
In his book The War of Art, Steven Pressfield had this to say about seeking support from others:
“Seeking support from friends and family is like having your people gathered around you at your deathbed. It’s nice, but when the ship sails, all they can do is stand on the dock waving goodbye. Any support we get from persons of flesh and blood is like Monopoly money; it’s not legal tender in that sphere where we have to do our work. In fact, the more energy we spend stocking up on support from colleagues and loved ones, the weaker we become and the less capable of handling our business.”
If you’re hoping that by enlisting the support of a gym buddy or even a coach like myself, I’ve got some news that you may not want to hear - as soon as your gym buddy or coach steps out of the picture, it won’t be long before the success you’ve achieved disappears because you’ve been ignoring the real issue the entire time.
🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.
👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.
👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!