Producer, Editor, Sound Designer: H.M. Radcliff of Packhowl Media, The Madness of Chartrulean, & Tales for Howling at the Moon.
Lead Writer & Director: W. Keith Tims of Alien Ghost Robot Creative Media, The Book of Constellations, The First Episode Of, The Love Talker.
Voice of Duncan, Composer, Contributing Writer: Aud Andrews of The Madness of Chartrulean and his Bandcamp site.
Voice of Atara, Contributing Writer, Songwriter "Atara's Lullaby": Noelle Rose of Dragon Shanty.
Voice of the Golem, Translator, Jewish Folklore Consultant: Sivan Raz of
Editing and Sound Design: Magnus Carlson of The Nebulous Saga.
Special thanks to Cole Weavers of The Town Whispers and Nathan Lunsford of The Storage Papers for founding and running the Festival.