<p><strong>Podcasting 2.0 March 1st 2024 Episode 169: "Wifi &amp; Web Apps"</strong></p>
<p>Adam &amp; Dave are joined by Oscar Merry from the Fountain app. We talk radio, music, nostr and math!</p>
<p><a href="https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/distrokid-faces-potential-class-action-lawsuit-over-how-it-handles-takedown-requests/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">We are LIT</a></p>
<p>Linode 'warm migration this morning</p>
<p>RIP Bob Heil</p>
<p>Rumble has rss feeds! Tony Caravan test on PG</p>
<p>Oscar Merry - Fountain.FM</p>
<p>Fountain Radio</p>
<p>How does it work</p>
<p>In app eventually?</p>
<p>Business? Funding?</p>
<p>Mea Culpa - Boostagrams - win / Earning stats BIG WIN</p>
<p>References - change dynamically based on medium type?</p>
<p>nostr stuff? Chat?</p>
<p>TLV records people!</p>
<p>VTS guid info</p>
<p>Sam Sethi activity stream in TLV?</p>
<p>Medium = Blog</p>
<p>Spotify now MG contracts only</p>
<p>JRE to megaphone</p>
<p>Podcasting2.org no real info for listeners</p>
<p>PodcastGuru IPFS Native</p>
<p><a href="https://chat.podcastindex.org/?cid=dhDyU8U4y7ZX9" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MKUltra chat</a></p>
<p><a href="https://transcript-search.vercel.app/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Transcript Search</a></p>
<p>What is&nbsp;<strong>Value4Value</strong>? - Read all about it at&nbsp;<a href="https://value4value.info/">Value4Value.info</a></p>
<p><a href="https://stats.podcastindex.org/v4v" target="_blank" rel="noopener">V4V Stats</a></p>
<div><small>Last Modified 03/01/2024 14:43:54 by&nbsp;<a href="http://freedomcontroller.com/">Freedom Controller</a></small>&nbsp;<a title="Link to the opml for this document." href="http://adam.curry.com/opml/PC2016920240301Podca-ntvZt0rblv7NhsMCdGxjQ8pLVM7hs1.opml">&nbsp;</a></div>

Podcasting 2.0

Podcast Index LLC

Episode 169: Wifi & Web Apps

MAR 1, 2024114 MIN
Podcasting 2.0

Episode 169: Wifi & Web Apps

MAR 1, 2024114 MIN


<p><strong>Podcasting 2.0 March 1st 2024 Episode 169: "Wifi &amp; Web Apps"</strong></p> <p>Adam &amp; Dave are joined by Oscar Merry from the Fountain app. We talk radio, music, nostr and math!</p> <div> <p><strong>ShowNotes</strong></p> <p><a href="https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/distrokid-faces-potential-class-action-lawsuit-over-how-it-handles-takedown-requests/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">We are LIT</a></p> <p>Linode 'warm migration this morning</p> <p>RIP Bob Heil</p> <p>Rumble has rss feeds! Tony Caravan test on PG</p> <p>Oscar Merry - Fountain.FM</p> <p>Fountain Radio</p> <p>How does it work</p> <p>In app eventually?</p> <p>Business? Funding?</p> <p>Mea Culpa - Boostagrams - win / Earning stats BIG WIN</p> <p>References - change dynamically based on medium type?</p> <p>nostr stuff? Chat?</p> <p>TLV records people!</p> <p>VTS guid info</p> <p>Sam Sethi activity stream in TLV?</p> <p>Medium = Blog</p> <p>PodPolo.com</p> <p>Spotify now MG contracts only</p> <p>JRE to megaphone</p> <p>Podcasting2.org no real info for listeners</p> <p>PodcastGuru IPFS Native</p> <p>-------------------------------------</p> <p><a href="https://chat.podcastindex.org/?cid=dhDyU8U4y7ZX9" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MKUltra chat</a></p> <p><a href="https://transcript-search.vercel.app/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Transcript Search</a></p> <p>What is&nbsp;<strong>Value4Value</strong>? - Read all about it at&nbsp;<a href="https://value4value.info/">Value4Value.info</a></p> <p><a href="https://stats.podcastindex.org/v4v" target="_blank" rel="noopener">V4V Stats</a></p> </div> <div><small>Last Modified 03/01/2024 14:43:54 by&nbsp;<a href="http://freedomcontroller.com/">Freedom Controller</a></small>&nbsp;<a title="Link to the opml for this document." href="http://adam.curry.com/opml/PC2016920240301Podca-ntvZt0rblv7NhsMCdGxjQ8pLVM7hs1.opml">&nbsp;</a></div>