#5 - Bring Big Hairy Audacious Business Goals To Life With Eleanor Clausen
Michelangelo once said, "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."
If you've ever been held back by the fear of failure or kept your business vision small to stay safe then it's time to meet Eleanor Clausen.
Eleanor is a Scottish Nurse who moved to Australia and set about on a mission to change the way we do health care and change management, not just in this country, but ultimately around the world.
Eleanor is the founder and CEO of The International Spine Centre, a world-first combination of specialists, collaborating and treating under one roof.
But it doesn't stop there, Eleanor is also working on the development of Carrington Collaborative a world-class holistic healthcare centre to be established in the Adelaide CBD.
Stretch your comfort zone and be inspired to think big in business as Eleanor shares her secrets to making the impossible possible in business.
Visit The International Spine Centre here: https://www.theinternationalspinecentre.com/
Visit The Seven Effect here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/
Join The Start-Up Club here: https://www.theseveneffect.com/the-start-up-club