<p>The adventure of cleaning up audio and improving show notes from previous panels continues in today’s episode of <em>Justin on Panels</em>. We are still working through <a href="https://marscon.org/2018/" target="_blank"><u>MarsCon 2018</u></a>, with the panel “Gem Watch”.</p>
<p><em>Discussion of the recent episodes of </em>Steven Universe<em>. What are your theories about events on Homeworld? What will this bring to Beach City?<br>
</em>With: <a href="http://kathrynsullivan.com/" target="_blank"><u>Kathryn Sullivan</u></a>, mod.; Justin Grays</p>
<p>Content Warning - mentions of:</p>
<li>Toxic Masculinity</li>
<li>Toxic Relationships</li>
<p>Spoiler Warning:<br>
<em>Steven Universe</em></p>
<p>For show notes, please visit: <a href="https://www.justingrays.org/my-blog/2022/3/8/justin-on-panels-season-2-episode-05" target="_blank"><u>https://www.justingrays.org/my-blog/2022/3/8/justin-on-panels-season-2-episode-05</u></a></p>