<p>The adventure of cleaning up audio and improving show notes from previous panels continues in today’s episode of <em>Justin on Panels</em>. We are still working through <a href="https://marscon.org/2018/" target="_blank"><u>MarsCon 2018</u></a>, with the panel “Cleavage Optional: Gender, Cosplay, and Genderbending Cosplay”.</p>
<p>Content Warning: <a href="https://www.justingrays.org/my-blog/tag/Blackface" target="_blank"><u>Blackface</u></a> does get mentioned during this panel.</p>
<p><em>How is the cosplay experience different for women and men? Why is genderbent cosplay so popular? What fans aren't doing it and what characters aren't being genderbent? What does this mean for trans and non-binary characters and fans?</em></p>
<p>With: <a href="https://mars.nasa.gov/MPF/bios/team/landry.html" target="_blank"><u>Bridget Landry</u></a>, Justin Grays, <a href="https://amateurhourcosplay.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><u>Kris Heding</u></a></p>

Justin on Panels

Justin Grays

S2E07: Cleavage Optional: Gender, Cosplay, and Genderbending Cosplay

JUL 3, 202232 MIN
Justin on Panels

S2E07: Cleavage Optional: Gender, Cosplay, and Genderbending Cosplay

JUL 3, 202232 MIN


<p>The adventure of cleaning up audio and improving show notes from previous panels continues in today’s episode of <em>Justin on Panels</em>. We are still working through <a href="https://marscon.org/2018/" target="_blank"><u>MarsCon 2018</u></a>, with the panel “Cleavage Optional: Gender, Cosplay, and Genderbending Cosplay”.</p> <p>Content Warning: <a href="https://www.justingrays.org/my-blog/tag/Blackface" target="_blank"><u>Blackface</u></a> does get mentioned during this panel.</p> <p><em>How is the cosplay experience different for women and men? Why is genderbent cosplay so popular? What fans aren't doing it and what characters aren't being genderbent? What does this mean for trans and non-binary characters and fans?</em></p> <p>With: <a href="https://mars.nasa.gov/MPF/bios/team/landry.html" target="_blank"><u>Bridget Landry</u></a>, Justin Grays, <a href="https://amateurhourcosplay.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><u>Kris Heding</u></a></p>