<description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Intro&lt;/strong&gt; - Hey Chefies, Im Chef Jourdan-Cha’Taun and you are now tuned in to Chef•ish &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Who&lt;/strong&gt; -
Briana Riddock is a chef, food writer, recipe developer, and the woman behind The Seasoning Bottle LLC, a boutique catering &amp;amp; food media company. She actually studied at NYU &amp;amp; got her masters in  Food Studies. Briannas loved for food started out young. With memories of using her easy bake oven. As she got older shed be sure to cook dinner for him mom, so that she didn’t have to at the end of a long days work. After some time she realized she should document her recipes &amp;amp; spiced up her brother camera to capture her food as well. Which is where her blog was born!  Coming from Jamaican parents, she’s always been sure to infuse those flavors in her cooking style approach. Briana is the current Executive Chef at one of Atlantas premier hotspots, Rock Steady! She hold over a decade of experience in the business. Briana is passionate about sharing her skills and knowledge to empower rising women chefs. She devotes her free time to building her brand #dopegirlscook. Popular in the local culinary scene, Briana was listed as the “Top Three Rising Star Black Chefs” by Atlanta Magazine and featured in Sheen Magazine’s ‘Women in Power’ issue in 2021. She’s no stranger to the camera, and is Food Network’s ‘Raid the Fridge’ competition show winner.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Starter &lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I know we gave your intro but in your own words how did you get into food? &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Guest will have a chance to intro themselves talk about their medium within the food world.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Just to give our listeners a Taste - Why does your upbringing &amp;amp; heritage play such a major part in the dishes you cook? How’s it feel to be promoted from the executive pastry chef, to the overall Executive Head Chef of Rocksteady? &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Main Coarse &lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When did you fall in love with food? &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;What was the moment where you were like “this is it”  with you food Blog?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;When was the turning point in your career , that you took your blog to the streets &amp;amp; started cooking professionally? 
-How would you say your food education background as affected your approach?
-I noticed you were able to study abroad in Paris for your thesis. How was that? Were you cooking in kitchen while you were there?
-I also saw that you traveled to Thailand a few years back with friends &amp;amp; took a Thai cooking class.
-Whats your top food destination you’ve traveled to and why?
-Do you always make it a point to pick up a cooking class when traveling internationally?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Do you think your experience as a competitive chef has changed your approach to food?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Have you had any issues with being recognized &amp;amp; respected as the boss in the kitchen? In such a male dominate space?&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;p&gt;- Any advise to those that want to switch from sweet to savory side of things?
-Can you tell us more about executive chef salaries? And contract negotiations in the coporate space of resturants?
-I know you started cooking as a child, but was anyone in your family a chef, cook or baker? Who was your greatest food influence within your family or growing up-What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment in your career?
-When I was reading about you I noticed you mentioned some issues with self doubt, with a dash of imposter syndrome. How did you overcome that? And how important is it to stay onto of your mental health in this business?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Recipe for success&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Tell me 3 things you want everyone to know about the business? Or that you would tell your younger self. &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;For our palate cleanser:&lt;/strong&gt;
When you are cooking in the kitchen, what are you listening to?
After a long day of work, what’s your go to meal when you get home?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Dessert &lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Tell us how you prepared for Raid The Fridge? &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Would you compete on TV again? What would your dream Cooking show look like?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Can you share more about your dinner series? Will you be doing any this year? I believe last years was in Jamaica. How was that?&lt;/p&gt;
Beyond Rocksteady, and your Seasoning in a Bottle &amp;amp; Dope girls cook brand. What’s next for you?
Please tell my Cheffies Where can we find them &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Find Chef Briana &lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Executive Chef of Rocksteady ATL &amp;amp; Owner of Dope Girls Cook clothing brand&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href="https://instagram.com/seasoningbottle?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=" rel="nofollow"&gt;https://instagram.com/seasoningbottle?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>


Indie Creative Podcasts

Ep.6 – Chefish w/ Jourdan-Cha'Taun EP 6 ft. Chef Briana

MAY 12, 202346 MIN

Ep.6 – Chefish w/ Jourdan-Cha'Taun EP 6 ft. Chef Briana

MAY 12, 202346 MIN


<p><strong>Intro</strong> - Hey Chefies, Im Chef Jourdan-Cha’Taun and you are now tuned in to Chef•ish </p> <p><strong>Who</strong> - Briana Riddock is a chef, food writer, recipe developer, and the woman behind The Seasoning Bottle LLC, a boutique catering &amp; food media company. She actually studied at NYU &amp; got her masters in  Food Studies. Briannas loved for food started out young. With memories of using her easy bake oven. As she got older shed be sure to cook dinner for him mom, so that she didn’t have to at the end of a long days work. After some time she realized she should document her recipes &amp; spiced up her brother camera to capture her food as well. Which is where her blog was born!  Coming from Jamaican parents, she’s always been sure to infuse those flavors in her cooking style approach. Briana is the current Executive Chef at one of Atlantas premier hotspots, Rock Steady! She hold over a decade of experience in the business. Briana is passionate about sharing her skills and knowledge to empower rising women chefs. She devotes her free time to building her brand #dopegirlscook. Popular in the local culinary scene, Briana was listed as the “Top Three Rising Star Black Chefs” by Atlanta Magazine and featured in Sheen Magazine’s ‘Women in Power’ issue in 2021. She’s no stranger to the camera, and is Food Network’s ‘Raid the Fridge’ competition show winner.</p> <p><strong>Starter </strong></p> <p>I know we gave your intro but in your own words how did you get into food? </p> <ul> <li>Guest will have a chance to intro themselves talk about their medium within the food world.</li> </ul> <p>Just to give our listeners a Taste - Why does your upbringing &amp; heritage play such a major part in the dishes you cook? How’s it feel to be promoted from the executive pastry chef, to the overall Executive Head Chef of Rocksteady? </p> <p><strong>Main Coarse </strong></p> <p>When did you fall in love with food? </p> <ul> <li>What was the moment where you were like “this is it”  with you food Blog?</li> </ul> <p>When was the turning point in your career , that you took your blog to the streets &amp; started cooking professionally?  -How would you say your food education background as affected your approach? -I noticed you were able to study abroad in Paris for your thesis. How was that? Were you cooking in kitchen while you were there? -I also saw that you traveled to Thailand a few years back with friends &amp; took a Thai cooking class. -Whats your top food destination you’ve traveled to and why? -Do you always make it a point to pick up a cooking class when traveling internationally?</p> <ul> <li>Do you think your experience as a competitive chef has changed your approach to food?</li> <li>Have you had any issues with being recognized &amp; respected as the boss in the kitchen? In such a male dominate space?</li> </ul> <p>- Any advise to those that want to switch from sweet to savory side of things? -Can you tell us more about executive chef salaries? And contract negotiations in the coporate space of resturants? -I know you started cooking as a child, but was anyone in your family a chef, cook or baker? Who was your greatest food influence within your family or growing up-What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment in your career? -When I was reading about you I noticed you mentioned some issues with self doubt, with a dash of imposter syndrome. How did you overcome that? And how important is it to stay onto of your mental health in this business?</p> <p><strong>Recipe for success</strong> </p> <p>Tell me 3 things you want everyone to know about the business? Or that you would tell your younger self. </p> <p><strong>For our palate cleanser:</strong> When you are cooking in the kitchen, what are you listening to? After a long day of work, what’s your go to meal when you get home?</p> <p><strong>Dessert </strong></p> <p>Tell us how you prepared for Raid The Fridge? </p> <p>Would you compete on TV again? What would your dream Cooking show look like?</p> <p>Can you share more about your dinner series? Will you be doing any this year? I believe last years was in Jamaica. How was that?</p> <p><strong>Outro</strong>  Beyond Rocksteady, and your Seasoning in a Bottle &amp; Dope girls cook brand. What’s next for you? Please tell my Cheffies Where can we find them </p> <p>Find Chef Briana </p> <p>Executive Chef of Rocksteady ATL &amp; Owner of Dope Girls Cook clothing brand</p> <p><a href="https://instagram.com/seasoningbottle?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=" rel="nofollow">https://instagram.com/seasoningbottle?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=</a></p>