Lauren Tingle, School Counselor
What do you do if a student tells you they’re pregnant? There’s a good chance you were asked this question during a job interview because it’s a situation that you will probably run into sooner rather than later. In fact, if you’ve been a high school counselor for any length of time, it’s highly likely that you’ve already supported pregnant students!
The truth is, you want to be prepared to not only support your students during their pregnancy but also throughout their journey as a teen parent. As we know, the challenges your students will face don’t end after having their baby. There are interventions you can put in place to help your pregnant students transition to parenthood and reach their future goals.
In this episode, I’m sharing ideas for supporting your pregnant students in three specific areas: their relationships, their knowledge, and their motivation. You’ll hear about resources and sample questions that you can ask your parenting and pregnant students in each of these categories. If you have questions or ideas around serving this unique population, send me a message on Instagram @counselorclique!
Resources Mentioned:
Full show notes on website:
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