In this episode of our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Podcast, Georgina Durrant is joined by Jo, the CEO of the Down Syndrome Charity Learn and Thrive. Jo is Mum to a teenager with Down's syndrome. Much of the inspiration for the Learn and Thrive charity's projects come from her real-life experience of supporting a wide range of young people with Down's syndrome through her work in the charity and education sectors. The charity provides free online educational resources for the SEN community through two projects: Teach Me Too for early years (find out more here ) and Learning for Life (find out more here for young people (find out more here)
Georgina and Jo discuss what Down's Syndrome is and the common misconceptions. They also discuss Learn and Thrive's resources and the importance of teaching RSE to all children. Jo provides fantastic advice on how to talk about puberty and relationships with children and young people with Down's Syndrome and other SEND. Listen to our previous episode on Down's Syndrom here
In this episode of our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) podcast (SEND in the experts with Georgina Durrant), Georgina Durrant is joined by Natalie Packer. Natalie is an Independent Education
Consultant, specialising in SEND and school improvement. She develops and delivers a wide
range of training and support, including SEND reviews, to schools and multi-academy trusts. She
works closely with several trusts to support their strategic development of SEND and is a trustee
of Learn-AT in Leicestershire. She is an associate for national organisations Nasen, Whole
Education, Forum Strategy and Leadership Matters. Natalie regularly writes online articles for
Optimus and The Key for School Leaders and is the author of The Perfect SENCO, The Teacher’s Guide to SEN and her latest book 'Beyond Boundaries: Leading Great SEND Provision across a Trust'
Other podcast episodes mentioned and related:
Gary Aubin - Lone SENDCO :
Ginny Bootman - Being a SENDCO :
*Disclaimer: Please be aware that this episode contains strong language.*
In this episode, of our special educational needs and disability podcast, SEND in the experts with Georgina Durrant. Georgina speaks to Sue Cowley! Sue Cowley is a presenter, teacher trainer and author of more than 30 books on education. A qualified early years teacher, she has worked in early years settings, primary, secondary and international schools in the UK and overseas. Sue’s international bestseller 'Getting Your Class to Behave' has been translated into ten languages and is now in its sixth edition.
Sue has written articles for the TES, Teach Primary, Teach Early Years, Nursery World, Early Years Educator and Teach Secondary. She has featured in numerous education videos and was a regular presenter on Teachers TV.
She has also written curriculum materials for Oxford University Press. Sue works internationally as a presenter, providing keynotes and training for organisations including Teach First, the NEU, Swim England and The Football Association. Sue has been part of the leadership team helped at her local early years setting for the past 15 years.
Georgina and Sue discuss strategies for good class behaviour, how to ensure you're neuro-affirming in your approach and the importance of clear expectations.
Find 'Getting Your Class to Behave' here and 'Learning Behaviours: A Practical Guide to Self-Regulation in the Early Years' here
Sue Cowley's website can be found here
In this episode of our Special Educational Needs and Disability Podcast, Georgina Durrant is joined by Steph Curtis. Steph, mother of two teenage girls aged 18 and 16, launched her blog, "Steph's Two Girls" on the day her younger daughter Sasha was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2.
Steph experienced a ‘lightbulb moment’ soon after when she came across descriptions of a specific profile of autism known as Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). The features of PDA resonated deeply with her, as they accurately characterised her daughter's unique challenges. This discovery served as a catalyst, inspiring Steph to utilise her blog as a wider platform for sharing her family's experiences in order to help others understand more about PDA.
With her newly published book "PDA in the Family" Steph has shared her family’s experiences since that day of diagnosis, in the hope that this will help families who are navigating PDA feel less alone. With unique insights from Sasha's father, sister, and Sasha herself, this book offers insider knowledge and advice from one family to another and provides a greater understanding for those working with PDA children.
Listen to our Podcast episode with the PDA society here :
Find the PDA Society Podcast episode also on the Twinkl website here:
Find out more about the PANDA approach for supporting children with a PDA profile here
As well as how to 'pick battles' when supporting a child with a PDA profile here
Steph's website can be found here and her book here