There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to chronic-pain management. Each person’s story is unique and requires individualized care that often includes non-opioid therapies. Sara Hall, a clinical nurse specialist in pain management at Regions Hospital, shares how a 2020 grant helped her team develop a yoga program that’s more accessible for Spanish-speaking patients with chronic pain.

Off the Charts: Examining the Health Equity Emergency

[email protected] (Sara Hall, Dr. Kari Haley, Dr. Steven Jackson)

Improving Access to Yoga for Chronic Pain in the Spanish-speaking Community

SEP 11, 202424 MIN
Off the Charts: Examining the Health Equity Emergency

Improving Access to Yoga for Chronic Pain in the Spanish-speaking Community

SEP 11, 202424 MIN


There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to chronic-pain management. Each person’s story is unique and requires individualized care that often includes non-opioid therapies. Sara Hall, a clinical nurse specialist in pain management at Regions Hospital, shares how a 2020 grant helped her team develop a yoga program that’s more accessible for Spanish-speaking patients with chronic pain.

Hosts: Kari Haley, MD, and Steven Jackson, MD

Guest: Sara Hall

HealthPartners website: Off the Charts podcast

Got an idea? Have thoughts to share? We want to hear from you. Email us at [email protected].


Programa NeuroWell/Dolor

Manejando Mi Dolor con Yoga

¿Tiene dolor crónico? Está pensando intentar el Yoga, ¿pero preocupado que el Yoga pueda ser demasiado desafiante o que empeoraría su dolor? ¡Este curso podría ser para usted!

Yoga puede aliviar la tensión y mejorar el dolor

Enseñado por instructores certificados de yoga con capacitación adicional en el dolor crónico, este curso le mostrará los fundamentos de cómo crear su práctica de yoga y ayudará a entender porque el yoga ha sido demostrado que reduce el dolor crónico. Sara Hall es una enfermera que ha trabajado en el campo de manejar el dolor por más de 15 años y combinado la ciencia del yoga haciéndola accesible a aquellos con dolor crónico.

Ofrecido en formato digital en linea, este programa le permit progresar a su propio paso, y le ofrece el beneficio de que pueda participar de cualquier lugar y a cualquier hora que desee enfocarse en su bienestar.

A medida que yoga se vuelve más popular, también aprendemos más de sus beneficios de salud

Mejoramiento de:

  • En el sentido de bienestar
  • Balance y fuerza
  • Sueño
  • Nivel de energía
  • Memoria y concentración

También incluidos en este programa hay contenido y recursos adicionales.

Manejando Mi Dolor con Yoga lo dejará sintiéndose empoderado con herramientas para mejorar su bienestar, aliviar tensión, y controlar su estrés.

**Patrocinado por HealthPartners y MDH**

Visite para registrarse.

Email: [email protected]


Manage My Pain with Yoga

Do you have chronic pain? Are you thinking about trying yoga but concerned about it being too challenging or making your pain worse? This course might be for you!

Yoga can relieve tension and improve pain

Taught by certified yoga instructors with additional training in chronic pain, this course will take you through the basics of building a yoga practice and help you understand why yoga has been shown to reduce chronic pain. Sara Hall is a nurse who has been working in the field of pain management for more than 15 years and has blended the science of yoga with making it accessible for those with chronic pain.

Offered in an online format that's self-paced, this program has the benefit of being able to participate anywhere and anytime you want to focus on your well-being.

As yoga is growing in popularity, so are the known health benefits


  • Sense of well-being
  • Balance and strength
  • Sleep
  • Energy levels
  • Memory and concentration

What to expect

Each module includes:

  • Education about yoga and how it can improve chronic pain and symptoms associated with chronic pain such as poor sleep, fatigue, anxiety and depression
  • A short demonstration video to go into more depth about various elements of yoga
  • A yoga practice video with two ability levels to follow or go between
  • A short survey to provide feedback

Also included in this program is additional resources and content as well as the option of meeting live with health care providers who are also trained as yoga instructors (for an additional fee).

Manage My Pain with Yoga will leave you feeling empowered with tools to improve your well-being, relieve tension and control your stress.

** Sponsored by HealthPartners and the Minnesota Department of Health**

Visit to register.

Email [email protected] for more questions.