Shore Leave with Tom Bobbajobski. Episode 2-Sturgis' More Money Matters Magazine

DEC 23, 202117 MIN
Shore Leave with Tom Bobbajobski

Shore Leave with Tom Bobbajobski. Episode 2-Sturgis' More Money Matters Magazine

DEC 23, 202117 MIN


Sturgis' More Money Matters Magazine

Sturgis has a guest host in Tom Bobbajobski to look into the world of money and finances.

Ellie Vapor is on the show to take about her new investment App for the under twelves, Investemoji! , and Cram Badgerton is coming on to help businesses to find ways of avoiding unnecessary taxes with his group the Traders Withholding Added Taxes Symposium, or TWATS for short. Nelson Arithmatic brings everyone up to date with local money news in  the Grey Water Money Blast.

Expect nothing to go well, as Tom's Shore Leave has everyone wishing he'd remained on his little grey ship.