Opening Pandora's Box The Truth Vs Lies
Opening Pandora's Box The Truth Vs Lies

Opening Pandora's Box The Truth Vs Lies

Goddess Asha Mariama



This podcast is all dissecting lies versus truth. What is the truth and what is a lie? How people are so quick to believe lies versus the truth because lies sounds better? About the wovles in sheep's clothing, the boy and girl who cried wolf, vampires, and sirens who influenced, manipulate, abuse, lie, take advantage, deceive, and more to you. How these four characters affect and impact your lives in negative people? How each ones of represents the lies? Me going through different situations about breaking down the lies verses lies, and more.
When people figure out what is true and what is a lie, they’re gonna be very very upset about all the things that they went through due to what they thought it was real, was actually a fantasy world and lies. And what they thought that was lies, they ended up missing out on great opportunities in their blessings? Many people miss. I don’t have blessings due to the fact that they think that because the blessing is not presented in a externally, beautiful way, they’ll rejected. And yet if the curse is presented in a beautiful way, they are quick to accept it. And when they find out that the thing that they chose was a curse, negative, they are purity upset. But the person that chose the thing that wasn’t as beautiful or externally, pleasing, ended up being a blessing. Because when God presents to us is not gonna always be externally pleasing. But the devil will always present everything in a externally beautiful package. So this podcast is all about getting people to understand that the reason you made the choices, and decisions that you made, based upon lies and deception, and things that were externally pleasing based upon the seven deadly sins. And your actions and behavior was based upon what you were manipulated, bamboozled, led astray, and lied into believing. So I dissect the situations to explain to you how easy it is to believe the lie can be a true, and the truth can be a lie.

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