Dirtbags - Special Preview One-Shot!
Being a Dirtbag means one thing: you're the lowest of the low. And sometimes, you're even lower than that. The F Squad has been called in on a daring mission that's already killed the Dirtbags who stood a chance to get it done. The misfit team of Jelly, Cargo, Monster Truck and Dave dive into the belly of the beast and are forced to do whatever they have to make it out alive.
Kickstart Dirtbags here!Special Guests:Nerdy (beacons.page/nerdynightly) & Clarus (claruspolaris.org) of Roleplay Relay (beacons.ai/roleplayrelay)
Dirtbags! is a sci-fi shooter TTRPG where players take on the role of convicts in a corporate-run dystopian world, coerced into the Military Foundation’s Rehabilitation Incentive Program (R.I.P.) with the promise of freedom and reintegration.
Forced to endure relentless tours of duty, Dirtbags are expendable, thrown at every problem imaginable, from distant alien bug infestations and scab pirates to suicidal salvage missions, courier work, and anything else the Corporate Echelon demands.Music Credits:Additional Music Credits:"Heroes of the Liberty" - Humanoide_Media (https://pixabay.com/music/adventure-cinematic-epic-music-heroes-of-the-liberty-inspired-by-helldivers-209281/)"Another Banger" by Joel Steudler"Heroes of the Liberty" by Humanoide_Media (https://pixabay.com/music/adventure-cinematic-epic-music-heroes-of-the-liberty-inspired-by-helldivers-209281/)"Cinematic Ambience Background Music" by Iam_Sam"Happy Feet" by Ovani Sound"Alien March" by Emmraan (https://pixabay.com/music/action-alien-march-254118/)"Dark Ambient" by stereocode (https://pixabay.com/music/ambient-dark-ambient-126122/)"Harrowing Revelation" by Joel Steudler"In for a Pound" by Joel Steudler"Arabic Sadness" by SergeQuadrado (https://pixabay.com/music/world-arabic-sadness-13404/)"Impact Driver" by Joel Steudler"Chasing Victory (Main)" by Good_B_Music (https://pixabay.com/music/main-title-chasing-victory-main-9448/)