<p>Yes, the Little Mermaid is an animated movie, but if it were real, where would this mermaid paradise be?</p><p> Is it plausible that Ursula the Octo-woman would have henchmen in the form of eels? </p><p>Ann Jones is examining the biological accuracy with the help of scientists and fans of classic movies in the series "Hollywood Lied to Us."</p><p>Featuring:</p><ul><li>Flo Rama- The Little Mermaid super fan. </li><li>Professor Peter Godfrey-Smith, Sydney University. </li><li>The Little Mermaid, Disney Studios.</li></ul><p>Production:</p><ul><li>Ann Jones, Presenter / Producer.</li><li>Petria Ladgrove, Producer.</li><li>Additional mastering: Isabella Tropiano</li></ul><p>This episode of What the Duck?! was produced on the land of the Wadawarrung and Kaurna people.</p><p>If you want to hear more "What the Duck?" episodes- please like and subscribe <a href="https://pod.link/1606314974">here</a>.</p>