Matt Scott
Dr. Amanda Rabinowitz (@DrAmandaR) has been part of the Rob Has A Podcast and Post Show Recaps communities as they’ve evolved, as a listener, as a podcaster, and as a cheerleader for all this community is. Amanda studies brains and brain injuries but is also a mom, a cook, and someone who WILL beat you in an eating contest. Hear her lively conversation on Pod Friends with host Matt Scott (@MattScottGW) to get to know Amanda and learn from her experience about how to navigate the game on the show Survivor, how growing up Jewish in Catholic school left an impression on her, and what this community and adjacent communities – Brice and Wen Present, Survivor Philadelphia, etc. – mean to her.
Watch on YouTube at
Introduction: 2:30
Interview begins: 7:00
How brain studies relate to reality TV and Survivor: 20:55
Survivor quits from a brain perspective: 25:15
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