In the first episode of the series focused on student voice, Jake Sturgis and Stan Alleyne, co-founders of the The Voices Framework, discuss partnering with school districts over the last five years as a way to use student stories as a critical layer of context to humanize the student experience and motivate adults to make changes.

Changing adult mindsets may be one of the most difficult tasks school leaders face as they work to enact change. Collecting and evaluating disproportionate test scores and other student data can only take you so far on your equity journey. 

By using hearts to guide the mind, The Voices Framework has helped school leaders start difficult conversations and enact systemic changes to make their schools more inclusive and equitable. Learn more at


Captivate Media + Consulting

Amplifying Student Voice to Transform Adult Mindsets

APR 18, 202229 MIN

Amplifying Student Voice to Transform Adult Mindsets

APR 18, 202229 MIN
