Ever felt the frustration of unresolved issues in your child's school, despite your best efforts? Join me as I share my personal journey navigating the public school system as an African-American mom and education advocate. This episode untangles the often complex relationship between local schools and school districts, providing you with the tools and knowledge to effectively address challenges and advocate for your child's education. Together, we'll explore the inner workings of school districts, their role as the backbone of public education, and how they shape educational priorities and culture within our communities.
Take a closer look at the characteristics that define high-performing districts, such as a strong commitment to equity, student-centered learning, and innovative partnerships. I'll also delve into the transformative potential of statewide districts. These innovations represent a shift in public education, promoting creative solutions while maintaining accountability. Tune in to discover a free resource to help you navigate the school district system and become a more empowered advocate for your child's educational success.
Check out my 24/7 interactive expert on my website! There are some great questions being asked and insightful conversations happening there… Go to https://liberation through education.com/ask-me-anything
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