The inner west is home to Sydney’s street art. Find out..
- How a world-famous, graffiti health campaign started here?
- Why the inner west has the most murals in Sydney?
- How its most iconic mural was painted? (illegally, in the middle of the night)
- What stencil inspired a top selling kids book?
- The other street art - stickers, pasteups, yarn bombing...
- And how it all still challenges us...
- Tour guide, author and photographer Melinda Vassallo
- Not Quite Newtown: Author Peter Warrington and photographer Rachel Williams
- Writers Bonnie Huang and Tom Martin
- Artists: Juilee Pryor, Sharon Billinge, Lotte Smith, Rebecca Enya Loury, Kim Siew, Zachary Bennett-Brook, and Hugues Sineux
Hosted by Bernie Hobbs. Produced by Jane Curtis. Sound engineering by John Jacobs. Artwork by Dylan Tonkin.
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