Be Respectful To All

JUN 3, 202253 MIN
2022/06 Jun-July Zulkaedah 1443H Sohbah

Be Respectful To All

JUN 3, 202253 MIN


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته<br /> <br />بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم<br /> <br />الحمد الله <br /><br />1) Allah has honoured Mankind, yet Man does not give that honour to each other. Every problem or trouble in dunia is coming from disrespect to each other - between husband & wife, parents & children, boss & workers, government & citizens, countries & neighbours. If all extended the highest respect for each others rights, like the Angels making sujud to Adam alaihisalam, this world would be a Paradise.<br /><br />2) Why we must respect everyone like a hidden Saint, like Khidr alaihisalam, a story that will make you realise this.<br /><br />3) Why we must always redha to our family, even if they disrespect us- a story of the great lady Saint, Sayyidatina Nafisah Thohirah RA.<br /><br />4) How to overcome anger by using a mirror...