Copy the Practises of Our Guides

JUN 16, 202245 MIN
2022/06 Jun-July Zulkaedah 1443H Sohbah

Copy the Practises of Our Guides

JUN 16, 202245 MIN


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem <br /><br />A Synopsis:<br /><br />1) Our Shuyukh and Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق left behind a Wasiat, a legacy of advice, that will last 100 years. Within hisق Sohbahs and practises are treasures for seekers in this Way to copy and follow, diligently.<br /><br />2) Reciting at least 40 times, ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem’ is one such daily Zikir Shaykh Nazimق advised mureeds to practice. Doing 100 times is best, and 1000 times after Fajr opens the heart to Divine Lights.<br /><br />The one practicing will amass an immense reward of the entire ‘Time’ The Holy Pen took to write these Sacred Words and by virtue of the Arabic grammar, it is an incomplete sentence that is only completed through an action. This is hence, the reason, a believer must begin his every action in such reliance of Allahﷻ,and is encouraged to aspire/intend to perform the very best in worshipping. ‘Dreaming Big’ is virtuous.<br /><br />3) Reciting at least 40 times and in every Raka’at of Solah, ‘AuzubilLahis Sami’il ‘Alim minashaitonnirojim’ is also a daily practice in this Way that will save one from satanic whispers.<br /><br />4) Ever wonder why do we remember and forget things peculiarly best, during Solah? <br /><br />5) How did Imam Abu Hanifahر help a forgetful man remember and retrieve his buried treasure with a special prayer?<br /><br />6) What is the Dua of Sayyidatina Mariam’sر mother when she received her newborn daughter, that saved the holy child from being touched by shaitan?<br /><br />Please do watch the full Sohbah and find answers to the questions above.<br /><br />.<br /><br />Telegram Channel: <br /><br /><br />Channel Bahasa Indonesia:<br />