The Subtle Sin & The People of Lot (AS)

JUN 25, 202257 MIN
2022/06 Jun-July Zulkaedah 1443H Sohbah

The Subtle Sin & The People of Lot (AS)

JUN 25, 202257 MIN


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem <br /><br />1) Mankind are constantly in sin yet the Mercy of Allahﷻ is so wide that no punishment befalls sinners immediately. Heﷻ Waits for the sinner to seek repentance.<br /><br />2) Many take advantage of the Clemency of Allahﷻ and are awakened to seek forgiveness only through a Musibah (test/trial/unfortunate event).<br /><br />3) In our times of social media, many heinous crimes of the Nations before are today celebrated and encouraged.<br /><br />4) What is the actual ‘media’ believers should focus on?<br /><br />5) Why must we be very careful, especially those with children, to understand, explain and weed out satanic ideologies? <br /><br />6) How can a believer become cursed, like the wife of Sayyidina Lutع, with a subtle sin she possessed?<br /><br />5) Is it alright for a Muslim to believe a crime/sin, like LGBT, may be acceptable?<br /><br />6) There are many studies quoted that give confidence to the LGBT movement, is it not true? <br /><br />7) What does the Quran say about these people and is it a disease?<br /><br />Please do listen to the full Sohbah and find answers to the questions above.