Halloween Special: The Lair Of The White Worm vs. Ghostwatch
Welcome to Highbrow Lowbrow, the show where our podcast hosts Steve Powell and Dan Slattery pit high art against low culture.
In this special Halloween-themed episode, we look at two films which are guaranteed to send a shiver down your spine.
Steve’s pick is Ken Russell’s The Lair of the White Worm. Russell’s screenplay mixes Bram Stoker’s final novel with Lambton Worm mythology with devilishly good results. This is also the film which seared Amanda Donohue, Hugh Grant and Peter Capaldi into the public consciousness. Once seen, it’s never forgotten.
Dan’s choice is the mockumentary Ghostwatch. Established BBC presenters Michael Parkinson, Craig Charles, Sarah Greene and others are roped into an elaborate hoax played on the British public. Is the Early family of Foxhill Drive really living in a haunted house? Ghostwatch provides the answer with chills, laughs and moral panics along the way.
We hope you enjoy our Halloween choices, and please don’t have nightmares. Mind the spoilers. Enjoy the show...