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Season three of Expanse dives into the murky world of spies, lies and secrets that surrounds the most secretive place in Australia.
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NOV 25, 2024
05 Uncropped | The legacy
A bombshell is dropped in US Congress that makes a lot of people start thinking about UFOs, now called UAP, differently. Danielle O’Neal tries to understand the implications of everything she’s heard and grapples with the unanswered questions.
38 MIN
NOV 25, 2024
04 Uncropped | UAP in the USA
Despite an alarming coincidence being uncovered in the government’s UFO files, a young intelligence officer recommends the files are closed and investigations shut down. Decades on, while the U.S. is taking a serious look at unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP) the legacy of that decision has kept UFOs in the sneered-at periphery in Australia.
31 MIN
NOV 25, 2024
03 Uncropped | The UFO files
The Tully phenomena spreads, with unexplained circles starting to crop up around the country. Reports of them all are filed away by the RAAF in the secret UFO files. But, one young UFO researcher is determined to get access to those files and see just what they hold.
35 MIN
NOV 18, 2024
02 Uncropped | Who is visiting?
Hoards of people descend on the Pennisi property to take a look at this ‘saucer nest’, sending the family running for cover. Turns out, in the years to come that would be the least of their worries. Rumours of covert surveillance and odd happenings leave the people at the heart of this mystery looking over their shoulders.
35 MIN
NOV 18, 2024
01 Uncropped | The sighting
On a hot morning under blue skies, a young banana farmer saw something he couldn’t explain that sent his pulse racing. It looked like a flying saucer and it left behind a mysterious mark. The chain of events it set off would change everything.
26 MIN
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