Go To Abu Dhabi

NOV 28, 202463 MIN
Rabbi Moshe Kesselman Weekly Parsha Shiur

Go To Abu Dhabi

NOV 28, 202463 MIN


<p>Parsha Shiur Toldos 2024 Leiluy Nishmas Harav Tzvi Ben Alexander Hakohen Kogan HY"D Yaakov expresses concern that he will be cursed by his father Yitzchak. Rivkah reassures him that she would take the curses upon herself. Sources Shmuel Aleph Perek 3 Pessukim 1 - 17 Gemara Makkos 11 A Parshas Toldos Perek 27 Pessukim 8 - 12 Commentary of Ohr Hachayim on Possuk 12 Commentary of Ohr Bohr on Ohr Hachayim Midrash rabba Shmos Parsha 16 Perek 4 Gemara Shabbos 55 B and 56 A Torah Ohr Parshas Toldos Daf 20 Amud 3</p>