

Hasan Piker, Will Neff, QTCinderella & AustinShow



Fear& is a show hosted by Will Neff, Hasan Piker, QTCinderalla & AustinShow. The show will occasionally contain special guests and cover pop culture events, memes, reacts, fun light hearted conversation topics and totally will not veer off down into a dark political blackpilled depressing rabbit hole :) 

Recent Episodes

Bring QT Cinderella home! | Fear&
FEB 17, 2025
Bring QT Cinderella home! | Fear&
✹EXTRA BONUS EPISODES ON PATREON✹ Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FearAnd 🎧 AUDIO PLATFORMS 🎧 🔊https://linktr.ee/fearand ❀ follow Fear&! ❀ Hasan: https://twitter.com/Hasanthehun Will: https://twitter.com/TheWillNeff QT: https://twitter.com/QTCinderella Austin: https://twitter.com/Austinontwitter Marche: https://twitter.com/Marche Fear&: https://twitter.com/FearAndPod Chapters - 00:00:00 - Intro 00:02:23 - this is the last of japan talk I swear to god 00:04:55 - even more montoya por favor 00:08:31 - oh no montoya por que 00:12:50 - Zocdoc 00:14:16 - wills most tragic moment 00:16:30 - jk this is wills most tragic moment 00:18:44 - howie mandel hit by a wine glass or something 00:20:51 - we know we don't mess with the swifties 00:27:49 - elon musk cooked with his reply guy 00:31:22 - obama x hasan fan fic when 00:32:50 - Shopify 00:33:40 - wait we are getting horses for this? 00:37:20 - the trans hate is getting ridiculous 00:41:11 - hasans first prediciton of the year, woke is back? 00:44:12 - we can't believe trump is doing this D: 00:47:34 - we miss you qt cinderella 00:47:54 - pete davidson without tattoos is something 00:52:00 - is there a time to hang up the spurs 00:53:54 - can you be friends with women 00:55:05 - pete davidson getting rid of tattoos is the start of fascism 00:57:48 - planes were running on woke 00:59:07 - new austin show lore just dropped 01:03:31 - someone find us this pilot PLEASE #hasanabi #qtcinderlla #podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
68 MIN
Post-Japan Clarity | Fear&
FEB 10, 2025
Post-Japan Clarity | Fear&
Use our code for 10% off your next SeatGeek order: https://seatgeek.onelink.me/RrnK/FEAR10 Sponsored by SeatGeek. *Restrictions apply. Max $25 discount The boys are BACK from Japan with stories, memories, love, passion, fire, ambition, totally not depressed and missing Japan. ✹EXTRA BONUS EPISODES ON PATREON✹ Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FearAnd 🎧 AUDIO PLATFORMS 🎧 🔊https://linktr.ee/fearand ❀ follow Fear&! ❀ Hasan: https://twitter.com/Hasanthehun Will: https://twitter.com/TheWillNeff QT: https://twitter.com/QTCinderella Austin: https://twitter.com/Austinontwitter Marche: https://twitter.com/Marche Fear&: https://twitter.com/FearAndPod Chapters - 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:51 - depression gang rise up 00:05:10 - what are the limits of delta rewards points 00:06:10 - was this a problematic? 00:08:55 - austin speaks Portuguesa 00:12:12 - SeatGeek 00:13:21 - the invention of highball 00:15:27 - lax slander will ALWAYS be appropriate 00:19:21 - the worst superbowl ever?! 00:23:58 - is the superbowl too long of a commitment now? 00:26:28 - the worst NBA trade in history (sorry girlies) 00:33:10 - MANDO 00:34:37- im never calling it anything but twitter 00:36:39 - big gay is taking down the airplanes 00:39:50 - the media is going to sensationalize 00:41:06 - "that plane is getting really damn close" 00:43:22 - FLIGHT RADAR and airtraffic controllers 00:47:11 - japan is hiring DEI flight crews? 00:47:49 - kanye west man... (tweets not on screen for obvious reasons) 00:53:30 - i dont think graduation 2 will fix any of this #hasanabi #qtcinderlla #podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
66 MIN
Kaho Shibuya Is A Real One | Fear&
FEB 3, 2025
Kaho Shibuya Is A Real One | Fear&
Fear& ポッドキャストの別の゚ピ゜ヌドぞようこそ!今週もたた玠敵な柁谷果歩さんが登堎したす。私たちが日本に来お2週間が経ちたしたが、家族にも䌚っおいたせんし、連絡も取れおいたせん。これを読んでいる方は助けおください。圌がい぀たで私をここに留めおおくのかわかりたせん。助けおください。カホは少幎たちず日本のあらゆるこずに぀いお話し、誰が最もガむゞンであるかそうでないかを教育するために戻っおきたした。ご芧いただきたしお誠にありがずうございたす。い぀ものように、私たちはあなたのサポヌトを愛し、感謝しおいたす。たた次の番組でお䌚いしたしょう! ✹EXTRA BONUS EPISODES ON PATREON✹ Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FearAnd 🎧 AUDIO PLATFORMS 🎧 🔊https://linktr.ee/fearand Follow our guest! Kaho: https://x.com/Shibukaho ❀ follow Fear&! ❀ Hasan: https://twitter.com/Hasanthehun Will: https://twitter.com/TheWillNeff QT: https://twitter.com/QTCinderella Austin: https://twitter.com/Austinontwitter Marche: https://twitter.com/Marche Fear&: https://twitter.com/FearAndPod Chapters - 00:00:00 - Japan Intro 2 00:01:07 - Kaho fought off death to be here 00:02:04 - gift giving hasan is back 00:05:16 - the sticker story 00:06:06 - rehashing the near death expirience 00:08:02 - japan gapped us in healthcare 00:12:24 - BEAM 00:13:45 - YAKUZA X SHBIBUKAHO 00:18:07 - wow that was inappropriate austin 00:20:00 - we are bumping all the time 00:21:40 - JAPAN ME UP 00:24:41 - the auroma game 00:26:00 - hello kitty be printing 00:29:05 - 2 JAPAN ME 2 UP 00:35:30 - hasan crashes out 00:37:07 - curse words in japan don't exist 00:39:47 - we are now handsome men 00:42:32 - will presented himself a certain way 00:43:54 - the connor kiss 00:45:13 - oh I got something you got to see... 00:47:00 - will and hasan are the reason young men aren't liberal 00:49:22 - being gay in japan 00:51:24 - sexual desires in japan and oppression 00:55:33 - what would it take in a man 00:57:02 - so you've had a lot of sex #hasanabi #cdawgva #podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
64 MIN
We Purchased Mt Fuji ft. CDawgVA | Fear& Trash Taste
JAN 27, 2025
We Purchased Mt Fuji ft. CDawgVA | Fear& Trash Taste
こんにちは。Fear& Podcast ぞようこそ。今週は、おなじみの顔であり倧切な友人である CDawgVA から日本のコンテンツを始めたす。い぀も皆様のご支揎に感謝しおおり、私たちが撮圱を楜しんだのず同じように、この゚ピ゜ヌドも楜しんでいただければ幞いです。これを読んでいるなら助けおください、私は䜕日も眠れおいたせん、圌らは私を垰らせおくれたせん、助けおください。以䞋にコメントを残しお、゚ピ゜ヌドのお気に入りの郚分を教えおください。愛しおるさようなら ✹EXTRA BONUS EPISODES ON PATREON✹ Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FearAnd 🎧 AUDIO PLATFORMS 🎧 🔊https://linktr.ee/fearand Follow our guest! CDawg: https://x.com/CDawgVA ❀ follow Fear&! ❀ Hasan: https://twitter.com/Hasanthehun Will: https://twitter.com/TheWillNeff QT: https://twitter.com/QTCinderella Austin: https://twitter.com/Austinontwitter Marche: https://twitter.com/Marche Fear&: https://twitter.com/FearAndPod Chapters - 00:00:00 - Japan Intro 00:01:54 - austin was clueless about our trip 00:05:04 - we have a guest guys 00:05:52 - you order as much room service as youd like 00:07:00 - complimentary bottle of champaign 00:09:05 - catching up with mr virginia 00:10:44 - the yakuza dealings 00:11:44 - austin show exclusive 00:14:55 - connor is a straight man 00:19:50 - the jug enforcers 00:22:39 - still owing Italy money is crazy 00:23:40 -halloween in shabuya 00:26:10 - SHOPIFY 00:27:43 - japans laws on defamation 00:33:40 - cheers to mt fuji 00:34:13 - hasans has a dream 00:38:27 - the japanese communist party was... 00:40:02 - austin lied to the marriot 00:41:52 - the perks of lying 00:48:05 - americanos off the table 00:51:24 - the extreme apologizing 00:54:23 - austin says something incredibly controversial 00:56:48 - getting corrected by big weebs 00:57:59 - smashing #hasanabi #cdawgva #podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
65 MIN