Is finding balance in life really the end-all-be-all? Tune into this week's episode as I share a new perspective around finding balance, and why it's not what we should be trying to achieve. Life is about finding harmony, rhythm, and adjusting our sails day to day, week to week, season to season. Sometimes we have to lean harder into parts of life and that is okay! My hope is that we can leave the whole balance thing at the curb. Because when we're trying to balance it all, we feel spread too...

Our Mindful Way

Megan Wolfe

Why Balance is a Myth

FEB 2, 202324 MIN
Our Mindful Way

Why Balance is a Myth

FEB 2, 202324 MIN


Is finding balance in life really the end-all-be-all? Tune into this week's episode as I share a new perspective around finding balance, and why it's not what we should be trying to achieve. Life is about finding harmony, rhythm, and adjusting our sails day to day, week to week, season to season. Sometimes we have to lean harder into parts of life and that is okay! My hope is that we can leave the whole balance thing at the curb. Because when we're trying to balance it all, we feel spread too thin, overwhelmed, less than, unfulfilled, and we are not as productive or successful! 

I hope you take a few things with you and feel a shift happen within as you navigate the rest of your week. What matters most right now? What does success look like to you? Where do you need to lean into right now?  Life begins with us. We have more control than we think. Our whole self matters, all of the time, and it's time start to make small micro-shifts to truly step into a life of less stress and more happiness. 

Let's Connect!

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