Intro Song – Max Hightower, “Double Bubble”, Nothin’ But The Truth! First Set - Dennis Herrera, “Can You Feel It”, Four The Chase Walker Band, “Workin’ Man”, Sounds Of An Old Soul Tommy Castro & The Painkillers, “Bloodshot Eyes”, Closer To The Bone Second Set - Giles Robson & John Primer, “Juke”, Ten Chicago Blues Classics Ra’Shad The Blues Kid, “Bad Girl”, Live In Clarksdale Chad Rupp And The Sugar Roots, “Blues City Cafe”, Gate C23 Larry Taylor Blues & Soul Band, “Knocking At Your Door”, They Were In This House Third Set - Bob Corritore feat. Thornetta Davis, “Say Baby Say”, Doin’ The Shout! Misty Blues w/ Gina Coleman, “Yonder Come The Blues”, I’m Too Old For Games Ollee Owens, “Solid Ground”, Nowhere To Hide Fourth Set - Tab Benoit, “I’m A Write That Down”, I Hear Thunder Heavydrunk And Watermelon Slim, “Road Food & Cheap Motels”, Bluesland Theme Park Ed Alstrom, “Sometimes”, Flee Though None Pursue Sonny Gullage, “File It Under Blues”, Go Be Free