This is a high ticket offer that so many coaches want to offer inside of their business because of the transformative work that is possible, and because — let’s be real — this is a high ticket offer ($10k+) that can make a huge difference with just one sale.
Kristine shares:
1️⃣ What the heck a mastermind is
2️⃣ How to price a mastermind
3️⃣ How Kristine sells into her mastermind differently than her other offers
4️⃣ What premium clients actually WANT
5️⃣ How long your mastermind should be and how to structure it
She also talks about: What a premium offer is (no, it’s not just about how expensive it is), why she hates content buckets, how the coaching industry has changed in the last few years, and so much more.
Resources mentioned on the call:
Plus, you should take her quiz.
In 45 seconds, you’ll uncover what you should create next to amplify your revenue and the unique brand magic that sets you apart from everyone else. Plus! You’ll get access to the signature RYH strategies to ensure your clients are drawn to your offer like a magnet.
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