<description>&lt;a href="http://texturner.hipcast.com/download/48cd6ece-ea28-ab64-7954-ee51716ede92.mov"&gt;Democrats get a boost -- but you may have to relive 9/11 in campaign ads. &lt;/a&gt;</description>

Watching Washington: Poll Position

noreply@blogger.com (Terry Turner)

Poll Position 7/16/06: Reminders of 9/11

JUL 16, 2006-1 MIN
Watching Washington: Poll Position

Poll Position 7/16/06: Reminders of 9/11

JUL 16, 2006-1 MIN


<a href="http://texturner.hipcast.com/download/48cd6ece-ea28-ab64-7954-ee51716ede92.mov">Democrats get a boost -- but you may have to relive 9/11 in campaign ads. </a>