<p>It is PIBF season! This year we are presenting a three part series about the foundation of the festival, the trials and tribulations (how we learn from our mistakes!) and the future of the festival and genre as a whole. Each episode, I will be joined by the festival director The Sugar Duchess in a no holds barred discussion. </p><br><p>This is Episode One - The Foundation </p><p><br></p><blockquote><strong><em>The Perth International Burlesque Festival brings unparalleled International and Australian burlesque, cabaret and variety performers to Perth and regional Western Australia.</em></strong></blockquote><blockquote><strong><em>PIBF celebrates and supports the local Burlesque community, including artists and fellow businesses, by creating a platform that is world-class where all are encouraged to help launch the Perth and WA Burlesque industry into the International scene.</em></strong></blockquote><p><br></p><p>https://perthburlesquefestival.com/</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>