Q&A: Strength Training for Young Athletes, Structuring Your Training Schedule, How to Progress Jump Training, VBT, & MUCH MORE!
OCT 25, 202387 MIN
Q&A: Strength Training for Young Athletes, Structuring Your Training Schedule, How to Progress Jump Training, VBT, & MUCH MORE!
OCT 25, 202387 MIN
In today's episode, Julian pools together your audience questions for an action packed second EVER "Q&A." Julian takes some time to answer a few questions related to varying topics in strength and conditioning and sports performance.
Specifically, we discuss:
Strength movements for youth athletes?
How many days per week for lifting and plyos?
Advice on VBT for those that don't have bar speed tech.
How do you program depth landings?
Structuring/progressing jumps/plyometrics.
Opinions on foam rolling pre/post lift? Are you a believer that they can reset a muscle’s length?
As someone in high school who wants to be a skill/strength trainer, how should you learn?