FINDINGbalance, Inc.
Today, Chrissy is talking with Leslie Schilling about how an unfed believer is easy prey, an easy target. There has been a trap set before us by the enemy who is the ringleader of the diet culture circus, and it’s gonna be talked about! They get into topics like The Weigh Down diet culture, weight-centric healthcare practices, and what Christ-centered agency looks like. Buckle up because they’re about to go there!
One listener will win a copy of Feed Yourself: Step Away from the Lies of Diet Culture and into Your Divine Design by Leslie Schilling! Head here for details and to enter!
Grab all the links and resources mentioned in this episode at
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Interlude music by “Hotham” – Morning Thoughts
Intro music by “MokkaMusic” – Old Jeans (Funk)
Production & Editing by Leah Bryant Co
The content in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe a particular course of action. If you or someone you care about is battling an eating disorder and is experiencing unmanageable thoughts or feelings, please call 911 (if in the U.S.), or visit your nearest emergency room.