Despite their best efforts our hosts deliver our fine listeners another Very Merry City of Supers episode. Beck, Donny, & Jack Frost travel to Santa's workshop to try and destroy Santa Clause once and for all!
Brendan Connors as Beck Wayward, Burp Angel, Hark Wahlberg, Jingle Jangly, Depth, Harrison Ford, V8 Spokesperson, Elf, Wolf, Santa's Hat and Coat, & Great Oak
Nick Connors as Donny Dennis, The Point, Hamburger Wahlberg, The Grooge, Dr. Pepper Fart Demon, Gary's Adult Son, Buzz Aldrin, & Muchacho
Will Wamser as Jack Frost, Sherlock Holmes, The Dink, Waylon Corvo/ The Crawling Crow, Flesh Cube, Pos-O-Tron, Andre the Giant, Beetlejuice, & Elf