<p>The summoning of Karashan is almost complete! Endseekers wreak havoc in the streets while Charles, Ava & William try to find a way out of this mayhem. Stellenkalt carries out his mission. William's past is revealed.</p>
<p><strong>screenplay by</strong></p>
<p>Deniz Keleş and Harry Metcalfe</p>
<p>Corvinius | Andrew Smith</p>
<p>Ava | Lauren Davis</p>
<p>Charles | Ryan Sero</p>
<p>Felix | Decker Longwood</p>
<p>William | Deniz Keleş</p>
<p>Vladmir | Rich Greene</p>
<p>Stellenkalt | Andrew Broaddus</p>
<p>Antoine | J Hazen</p>
<p>Falcon | Matthew Moore</p>
<p>Police Officer | Deniz Keleş</p>
<p>Henry Boran | Deniz Keleş</p>
<p>Endseeker 1 | Timothj Longo</p>
<p>composed by Deniz Keleş</p>
<p>performed by Victoria Ingram and Jared Samborski</p>
<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/adarklightshivers/">Instagram</a></p>
<p><a href="https://www.patreon.com/adarklightshivers">Patreon</a></p>