Teen Wolf was an awkward and generally ill-received (albeit successful) film for what was a small, independent studio. Looking to capitalize on the original's success, the studio decided to make a sequel that was, unsurprisingly, even less well received and significantly less successful. The film has gained some notoriety in cult film circles, making it an interesting watch as Kel and Josh try to tackle the "why" and "how" of this strange sequel.

The Follow Up

Joshua Tracey

Episode 2: Teen Wolf Too

NOV 16, 202263 MIN
The Follow Up

Episode 2: Teen Wolf Too

NOV 16, 202263 MIN


Teen Wolf was an awkward and generally ill-received (albeit successful) film for what was a small, independent studio. Looking to capitalize on the original's success, the studio decided to make a sequel that was, unsurprisingly, even less well received and significantly less successful. The film has gained some notoriety in cult film circles, making it an interesting watch as Kel and Josh try to tackle the "why" and "how" of this strange sequel.