<p>Today’s No Mames Monday dives into the hilarious hypothetical: what if you woke up with a “dingy ling?” Juan and Jose break down the comedic possibilities. Jose also educates everyone on JOP (Jesús Ortiz Paz) and their history. Special thanks go out to all the “mamones and mamonas” for tuning in and keeping the fun going!</p>

No M@MeS Monday

Juan Barraza... cohost: Jose Morales

#79.The Dingy Ling Dilemma: Waking Up to Chaos and JOP 101 Breakdown

OCT 14, 202434 MIN
No M@MeS Monday

#79.The Dingy Ling Dilemma: Waking Up to Chaos and JOP 101 Breakdown

OCT 14, 202434 MIN


<p>Today’s No Mames Monday dives into the hilarious hypothetical: what if you woke up with a “dingy ling?” Juan and Jose break down the comedic possibilities. Jose also educates everyone on JOP (Jesús Ortiz Paz) and their history. Special thanks go out to all the “mamones and mamonas” for tuning in and keeping the fun going!</p>