<p>The Saga Of The Sages Narrative Podcast is here! This is Season One of the podcast: "Awakening".</p>
<p>"Awakening" is access to the records of the DOMAIN/LIBRARY/RECORD, and the memories of the Counselor Ayu that are stored there.</p>
<p>In this episode, Ayu remembers what it is all about: her whole mission and why part of her consciousness is inside of a Counselor to begin with! </p>
<p>This is the Season 1 finale! Thank you for joining us on this adventure of "Awakening". More Saga Of The Sages Narrative Podcasts are on the way! </p>
<p>Please be sure to like, share, comment, and follow the Saga Of The Sages Narrative Podcast.</p>
<p>Head over to the "Behind The Show" series to get exclusive behind the scenes content on the Saga Of The Sages Narrative Podcast!</p>
<p>Instagram: @sagaofthesages</p>
<p>Tiktok: @sagaofthesages</p>
<p>YouTube: Saga Of The Sages</p>