<description>&lt;p&gt;The Head of the Snake is about a man named Fecketty down on his luck. After being fired from his job, he is confronted with a giant bloodthirsty snake in his basement. Ridiculous and horrifying things follow. This podcast is body horror and cosmic science fiction.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The Head of the Snake was created with a music-first mindset. The music was created first by Aljoscha Guenther and then turned in to Jared Parisi to write the script.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Direction, Writing, Editing, Narration: Jared Parisi&lt;br /&gt; Music: Aljoscha Guenther&lt;br /&gt; Artwork: Ozzie Sneddon&lt;br /&gt; Sound Design: Ben Ridge&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The Head of the Snake is a Su Madre Podcasts production: https://sumadrepodcasts.com&lt;br /&gt; Aljoscha Guenther: https://aljoschaguenther.wordpress.com&lt;br /&gt; Ozzie Sneddon: https://www.librariumstudios.com&lt;br /&gt; Ben Ridge: https://www.ben-ridge.com&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Special thanks: Amy, Heather, Melissa, Jane, and Hayden.&lt;/p&gt;</description>

The Head of the Snake

Jared Parisi, Aljoscha Guenther

Part III: The Snake

FEB 14, 202313 MIN
The Head of the Snake

Part III: The Snake

FEB 14, 202313 MIN


The Head of the Snake is about a man named Fecketty down on his luck. After being fired from his job, he is confronted with a giant bloodthirsty snake in his basement. Ridiculous and horrifying things follow. This podcast is body horror and cosmic science fiction.

The Head of the Snake was created with a music-first mindset. The music was created first by Aljoscha Guenther and then turned in to Jared Parisi to write the script.

Direction, Writing, Editing, Narration: Jared Parisi Music: Aljoscha Guenther Artwork: Ozzie Sneddon Sound Design: Ben Ridge

The Head of the Snake is a Su Madre Podcasts production: https://sumadrepodcasts.com Aljoscha Guenther: https://aljoschaguenther.wordpress.com Ozzie Sneddon: https://www.librariumstudios.com Ben Ridge: https://www.ben-ridge.com

Special thanks: Amy, Heather, Melissa, Jane, and Hayden.