The Crawling World. Episode 4: Trapped in the Dark

JAN 7, 20257 MIN
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The Crawling World. Episode 4: Trapped in the Dark

JAN 7, 20257 MIN


We rejoin the pilgrims in the aftermath of an attack by the Child of Iachtanabas. Trapped within the cave they fled to for safety, they set to in order to dig themselves out of trouble, literally. Huw enlists Wes and Lithee to search for the lost sleepers, and Garm entertains (in the loosest possible sense of the word) Ra with an old song.

Part 4 of a multi-part, weekly series.


  • Andrew Winson as Fork-in-the-Road
  • Thomas Barker as Athamas
  • Jesse D. Hill as Longarm
  • Emily Morse-Lee as Wide-Eye
  • Melissa Carrington as Split-Heel
  • Virtue as Hears-Whispers
    X: @VirtueVestigial

Produced and written by Thomas Barker

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